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目的:筛选高致病禽流感病毒核蛋白(NP)中可用于高致病禽流感病毒感染检测或疫苗设计的CTL表位,为评价疫苗接种效果和开发新型疫苗奠定基础。方法:根据NCBI公布的NP的核苷酸序列设计特异性引物,以2006年深圳株高致病禽流感H5N1病人分离的病毒cDNA为模板扩增NP全长基因(1500 bp)并测序。通过生物信息学方法,预测NP氨基酸序列中潜在的HLA-A觹0201限制性表位。构建重组pJW4303-NP核酸疫苗并肌肉免疫HLA-A2/DP4转基因小鼠,利用ELISPOT法筛选特异性CTL表位。结果:克隆了2006年深圳株高致病禽流感NP基因,构建的重组pJW4303-NP核酸疫苗能在体外COS-7细胞中表达,免疫小鼠后能引起小鼠产生特异性的体液免疫和细胞免疫。结论:生物信息学和转基因小鼠模型筛选相结合的方法,能用于高致病性禽流感核蛋白CTL表位的筛选。  相似文献   
初步确定高效价冻干人用狂犬病疫苗(6.0IU/剂)暴露后免疫程序。制备高效价的冻干人用狂犬病疫苗(6.0IU/剂),以狂犬病街毒CNX8601和BD06分别攻击小鼠和比格犬的咬肌,接种不同效价的狂犬病疫苗,以RFFIT法检测中和抗体,根据动物死亡情况,计算暴露后疫苗保护率,对不同效价的疫苗进行中和抗体测定和保护率统计分析。在以小鼠为实验动物的疫苗保护率研究中,冻干人用狂犬病疫苗(3.1IU/剂)0/3/7/14/28免疫程序的保护率为40.6%,高效价的冻干人用狂犬病疫苗(6.0IU/剂)0/3/14免疫程序的保护率为56.2%,中和抗体比较,P〈0.05,2组间有显著性差异;在以比格犬为实验动物的保护效果研究中,冻干人用狂犬病疫苗的保护率(3.1IU/剂)为70%;高效价的冻干人用狂犬病疫苗(6.0IU/剂)的保护率为80%,中和抗体的比较,P〉0.05,没有显著性差异。高效价冻干人用狂犬病疫苗暴露后免疫程序可初步确定为0、3、14d免疫。  相似文献   
Most large‐scale multispecies studies of tree growth have been conducted in tropical and cool temperate forests, whereas Mediterranean water‐limited ecosystems have received much less attention. This limits our understanding of how growth of coexisting tree species varies along environmental gradients in these forests, and the implications for species interactions and community assembly under current and future climatic conditions. Here, we quantify the absolute effect and relative importance of climate, tree size and competition as determinants of tree growth patterns in Iberian forests, and explore interspecific differences in the two components of competitive ability (competitive response and effect) along climatic and size gradients. Spatially explicit neighborhood models were developed to predict tree growth for the 15 most abundant Iberian tree species using permanent‐plot data from the Spanish Second and Third National Forest Inventory (IFN). Our neighborhood analyses showed a climatic and size effect on tree growth, but also revealed that competition from neighbors has a comparatively much larger impact on growth in Iberian forests. Moreover, the sensitivity to competition (i.e. competitive response) of target trees varied markedly along climatic gradients causing significant rank reversals in species performance, particularly under xeric conditions. We also found compelling evidence for strong species‐specific competitive effects in these forests. Altogether, these results constitute critical new information which not only furthers our understanding of important theoretical questions about the assembly of Mediterranean forests, but will also be of help in developing new guidelines for adapting forests in this climatic boundary to global change. If we consider the climatic gradients of this study as a surrogate for future climatic conditions, then we should expect absolute growth rates to decrease and sensitivity to competition to increase in most forests of the Iberian Peninsula (in all but the northern Atlantic forests), making these management considerations even more important in the future.  相似文献   
We measured the Δ Ψ and ΔpH components of the transthylakoid proton motive force ( pmf ) in light-adapted, intact tobacco leaves in response to moderate heat. The Δ Ψ causes an electrochromic shift (ECS) in carotenoid absorbance spectra. The light–dark difference spectrum has a peak at 518 nm and the two components of the pmf were separated by following the ECS for 25 s after turning the light off. The ECS signal was deconvoluted by subtracting the effects of zeaxanthin formation (peak at 505 nm) and the qE-related absorbance changes (peak at 535 nm) from a signal measured at 520 nm. Heat reduced ΔpH while Δ Ψ slightly increased. Elevated temperature accelerated ECS decay kinetics likely reflecting heat-induced increases in proton conductance and ion movement. Energy-dependent quenching (qE) was reduced by heat. However, the reduction of qE was less than expected given the loss of ΔpH. Zeaxanthin did not increase with heat in light-adapted leaves but it was higher than would be predicted given the reduced ΔpH found at high temperature. The results indicate that moderate heat stress can have very large effects on thylakoid reactions.  相似文献   
目的:基因组不稳定是导致肺癌发生与发展的重要分子机理之一。本研究旨在筛选支气管上皮细胞恶性转化过程中拷贝数扩增的基因。方法:利用业已建立的支气管上皮细胞体外恶性转化模型,通过cDNA微阵列-CGH技术对支气管上皮来源的永生化细胞和癌变细胞的基因拷贝数进行了检测,并对部分结果进行了实时PCR验证。结果:永生化BEP2D细胞染色体中的某些区域存在不同程度的扩增,包括5q31.3、9q32-33.1、14q22.2-23.1、19p13.12-13.13、20q13.12-13.31;恶性转化BERP35T2细胞染色体中的扩增区域集中在1p12-13.1、5q33.1、5q31.3、9q32、19p13.12-13.13;5q31.3、9q32、19q13.12-13.13是以上2种细胞系中的共同扩增区域。共检测到201个基因的拷贝数发生扩增,其中PCNA、TP53及GADD45A基因的异常扩增已经实时PCR进一步验证。结论:在支气管上皮细胞恶性转化过程中,病毒与低剂量辐射的双重作用使得某些重要基因的拷贝数发生扩增,因基因剂量增加而导致某些癌基因高表达可能是细胞恶性转化的重要机制之一。  相似文献   
濒危植物南方红豆杉濒危原因分析   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
南方红豆杉是我国第三纪孑遗特有树种,为国家1级濒危保护植物,主要分布于在长江流域、南岭山脉以及广东、广西、江西、河南、陕西、甘肃、台湾和山西等省(区)的山地。南方红豆杉分布区的生态环境特征是:热量充足,温暖潮湿。南方红豆杉濒危的主要原因有:(1)种子产生量少,萌发率和幼苗成活率较低(2)种群缺乏较强的竞争力,(3)地理分布的局限性,(4)对生境要求的特殊性和(5)人为破坏严重。此外,针对南方红豆杉濒危现状和原因,还提出了科学保护和可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   
对新种丽花兰Cymbidium concinnum Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen和新变种龙州兰C. eburneum var. longzhouense Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen进行了描述和绘图; 丽花兰与大雪兰C. mastersii Griff. ex Lindl.有亲缘关系, 区别点在于新种叶片先端不分裂, 花序具18-22朵花, 唇瓣中裂片上有一个V型的紫红色斑块; 龙州兰(变种)与独占春(原变种)的主要区别在于唇瓣中裂片上和侧裂片顶部有较密的紫红色斑。对象牙白C. maguanense的分类问题进行了讨论, 并为其指定了新模式; 还为腋花组sect. Eburnea国产种类提供一个检索表。  相似文献   
目的 探讨双歧杆菌预防早产儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)的疗效.方法 随机分成试验组和对照组,对照组给予常规治疗,试验组在对照组基础上给予双歧杆菌治疗.观察两组不同胎龄和不同出生体重早产儿NEC患病率、治疗前后肠道各菌群变化的差异.结果 (1)试验组NEC总发生率显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);(2)试验组出生体重<1500g早产儿NEC发生率显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);(3)治疗后试验组细菌总数、球菌总数及杆菌总数上升幅度显著大于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);治疗后试验组杆球菌比值较对照组显著下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 双歧杆菌可有效预防早产儿坏死性小肠结肠炎.  相似文献   
对石人山自然保护区秦岭冷杉群落特征和动态进行了研究,结果表明:秦岭冷杉群落共有种子植物61种,分属27科40属,群落垂直结构简单,可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层。秦岭冷杉和华山松种群大、中胸径的个体占绝对优势,幼苗、幼树较少,属于衰退种群;湖北花楸小、中胸径的个体占优势,属于进展种群。通过聚类分析,将秦岭冷杉群落分为5个群丛类型:①秦岭冷杉 湖北花楸-山刺玫-结缕草群丛;②秦岭冷杉 华山松-秀雅杜鹃-藜芦群丛;③秦岭冷杉 血皮槭-黄刺玫-野菊群丛;④秦岭冷杉 华山松-箭竹-牛蒡群丛;⑤秦岭冷杉 锐齿栎-箭竹-水芹群丛。5个群丛类型均处于动态变化中,种群恢复应实行就地保护,减少人为干扰,促进天然更新。  相似文献   
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